Anise Swallowtail at the Beach

We went to Sequalitchew Beach in Dupont, WA, yesterday (I'll write more about that beach soon). It was a bright, warm, sunny day!

While we were walking along the beach, my older son all of a sudden stopped to take a picture of a butterfly -- what, a butterfly so far down on the beach?? Was he joking? No, there really was a butterfly sitting there down on the rocky ground. . .

picture taken by my 12-year-old son
picture taken by my 12-year-old son
picture taken by my 10-year-old daughter
At first we were very still and quiet so we wouldn't scare it away. Then we got more bold, and my two children with cameras got closer to it (my older son behind it and my younger daughter in front of it) while taking pictures.  The butterfly was missing part of its right, back wing, and we worried that perhaps it couldn't fly, so on purpose my children cast their shadows over it to see if it would fly away, and it didn't. Though it did move its wings, and we could see that it was alive, it stayed in the same spot.

picture taken by my 12-year-old son
picture taken by my 10-year-old daughter

Worried that it might be stranded in an unsafe spot especially with the incoming tide, they decided to try and carry it to a safer spot by lifting up the rock upon which it was perched. Very carefully so as not to touch its wings, my older daughter lifted the rock with the butterfly on it and carefully held it in her hands. . .

picture taken by my 12-year-old son
 . . . and then, surprise!  It flew away!  We were so excited and happy to see it fly away!


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