I would like to publicly say how thankful I am for my husband. He's always willing to travel to a new beach or trail (as long as we have enough money for gas ;)), and he comes on our nature walks whenever he can. He is patient when we stop to look at things along the way and to take pictures. He's such a gentleman, and he carries the bag when we bring a picnic lunch. Though he sometimes takes a peek at his phone while enjoying being outdoors with his family ;), he likes looking at the plants and animals and views on our walks. He's even willing to walk when it's drizzling outside! Thank you, dear husband! You are such a caring and thoughtful husband and father! Happy Fathers Day!! We love you!!!!!
enjoying the beautiful view at the former
site of Wilkes Observatory in Dupont, WA |
pointing towards Nisqually Wildlife Refuge from the trail to Wilkes Observatory (above picture taken by my 10-year-old daughter) |
at Sequalitchew Beach in Dupont, WA |
at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
(above picture taken by my 10-year-old daughter) |
at the Rhododendron Garden at Point Defiance with his phone in hand |
on a trail at Tacoma Nature Center
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